Industrial Burner
Serial: 35810-1
Model: LNDLG-145P-A
Mbtu: 14,700
Motor on Fan: 15hp
Combo Burner (Oil/Gas)
Industrial Combustion "D" series burners are performance proven in boiler, heater, furnace, kiln and dryer applications worldwide. The standard D series offers natural gas, propane gas, air atomized #2-6 oil and combination gas/oil fuel options at capacities from 4,200,000 to 42,000,000 MBTU/Hour. The low NOx D series offers natural gas, propane gas, air atomized #2 and #6 oil, and combination gas/oil fuel options at capacities from 3.4 to 42.0 MMBTU/Hour. A true forced draft design provides the ability to deliver rated capacities against furnace pressures up to 4? W.C.
Features Include:
Low-pressure air atomizing system on oil rotary vane compressor
Cam trim with 14-point adjustment range for consistent air/fuel ratios
Parallel positioning available for optimal control through out the firing range
Low NOx with FGR capabilities
Piston-type positive displacement oil metering system
Gas manifold on oil burners standard for easy upgrade to combination units
Hinged combustion head for easy access and maintenance
Backward-curved impeller provides adequate combustion air for various furnace pressures
Nozzle line electric heater standard on medium to heavy oil burners
FGR modulating valve
UL & cUL listed