**Make:** McLanahan
**Model**: Long Single Spiral Fine Material Washer Sandscrew
**Size**: 44" diameter x 33'
**Year**: 1991
**S/N**: 933077
**More Info**:
* 25 h.p. 1800 RPM electric motor with drive sheave
* grease lubricated external roller bearing assembly at lower end of tub
* bolt on replaceable Ni-Hard cast steel wear shoes
* Dodge #9 heavy duty oil bath lubricated gear reduction box with driven sheave
* feed baffle
* 12' wide flared tub at the feed end with adjustable height waste water spill over weirs
* factory rated at up to 175 tons per hour maximum
* No V-Belts or drive guard, steel tub has repaired wear holes as seen in the provided photos, steel wear shoes +/- 50%, some are broken
**Freight Dimensions**:
12' 10" wide as is, trim off flume to 12' wide; 8' tall; 37' long; Weight: 20,000 lbs ()approx.)
**Make**: EAGLE Iron Works
**Model**: Single Spiral Fine Material Sand Screw Washer
**Size**: 24" diameter x 22'
**S/N**: 6056
**More Info**:
* 7.5 h.p. 1800 RPM electric motor
* V-Belt drive with drive guard
* Bolt on replaceable Ni-Hard cast steel wear shoes
* Flared tub at the feed end with adjustable height waste water spill over weirs
* Grease lubricated external roller bearing assembly at lower end of tub
* Eagle heavy duty oil bath lubricated gear reduction box
* Factory rated at up to 50 tons per hour maximum
* Steel tub has some holes that require steel lining
**Freight Dimensions**:
8'4" wide; 5' tall; 24' long: Weight: 14,000 lbs. (approx.)
**Make:** EAGLE Iron Works
**Model**: Single Spiral Sandscrew (Fine Material Washer)
**Size:** 36" diameter x 25'
**S/N:** 14228
**Year**: 1992
**More Info:**
* Eagle heavy duty oil bath lubricated gear reduction box
* 15 h.p. 1800 RPM electric motor
* V-Belt drive with drive guard
* Bolt on replaceable Ni-Hard cast steel wear shoes,
* Grease lubricated external roller bearing assembly at lower end of tub
* Walkway with handrails on one side and around discharge end
* 10' wide flared tub at the feed end with adjustable height waste water spill over weirs
* Factory rated at up to 100 tons per hour maximum
**Freight Dimensions:**
* 11' wide; 6' tall; 30' 6" long; Weight: 14,000 lbs. (approx.)